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Médecins du Monde chooses Marvia: streamlining global communication

October 7, 2020

The global network of Médecins du Monde (which includes Doctors of the World), a dedicated international voluntary organization operating both domestically and internationally, has selected international software company Marvia as their Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution.

Nadia Dafir, Network Communication Coordinator at Médecins du Monde: “Every office had its own tools, such as external hard drives and clouds like Dropbox and Google Drive, which resulted in assets being fragmented across the organization. We were searching for a tool that could create synergy between our 16 offices, which could help us be more efficient in sharing photos, videos, and other digital assets.

"Every office had its own tools, such as Dropbox or Google Drive, which resulted in assets being fragemented across the organization."

Nadia Dafir, Network Communication Coordinator at Médecins du Monde

From now on, all the head offices have access to one central DAM system where they can share and search for photos and videos necessary for online and offline communication such as their websites, social media, emailing, and communications in printed media.

(c) Ignacio Marín - MdM Spain-3

Sharing assets across 16 countries 

For Médecins du Monde, it was mandatory that their offices could share their photographs with colleagues in all 16 country delegations. Dafir continues: “Some of the larger offices have their own photographers and an extensive database of photos, while smaller offices don't have these resources. Previously, offices exchanged photos via email, which is not particularly efficient when working across different time zones. When there's an emergency, like in Beirut or Lesbos, you need to act quickly and start fundraising. In such situations, you can't afford to wait for the right pictures."

Other conditions that the new system had to meet were adding copyright information and comprehensive search functionality. Dafir: “We have a huge database of photos within the same categories, so it is crucial that detailed tagging is possible. Marvia’s DAM offers many features, like adding tags and photographer information, making us more efficient."

"Adding tags and photographer information to our huge database of photos makes us more efficient"


Marvia DAM Médecins du Monde


Ray de Jong, Business Development Manager at Marvia: “We are pleased Doctors of The World has chosen us as their DAM solution and are looking forward to a long-term partnership. We feel honored to contribute to their mission of providing humanitarian aid by streamlining their marketing-communication activities." 

About Médecins du Monde 

Médecins du Monde is an independent humanitarian movement working at home and abroad to empower excluded people to access healthcare. Through 350 programs in 80 countries, they provide medical care, strengthen health systems, and address underlying barriers to health.

About Marvia

Marvia revolutionizes the management of your brand's digital assets effortlessly. With their cutting-edge DAM solution, the days of endless searches for the perfect logo or image are now a thing of the past. Marvia leads the way in distributed marketing, simplifying every aspect of distributed marketing and empowering organizations to centrally control their marketing materials with ease.


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