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Release Notes: out-of-home, campaign packages, and LinkedIn posting

An out of home integration, a LinkedIn feature, and many other useful new features and updates to make working with Marvia even more effortless and get more out of your local marketing potential. Read all about it in our latest Release Notes.

What's New 🚀

Out-of-home integration: schedule outdoor advertising on a local level

Out-of-home is a very effective way to reach your audience when they are not at home. That's why we added an out of home integration to Marvia enabling users to plan outdoor advertising themselves on a local level. From ads in bus shelters to billboards, cinema advertising, scaffolding and window advertising. The outdoor advertising possibilities are limitless. 

Would you like to know more about our out-of-home integration? Check it out here.

out-of-home advertising integration marvia

Post directly to LinkedIn

Another exciting new possibility is the LinkedIn feature. Users can now link the LinkedIn account of their branch or location to the portal. When you edit a file, the users can post the self-made content directly on their own LinkedIn account, simply by clicking the "Post to LinkedIn" button.

post to linkedin

Find requests in My Account

We've made it easier for users to make requests. When users ask for their edited templates' approval, they can now find these requests in My Account. An overview of all requests appears here, including whether they have been approved or rejected. If a request is rejected, the file in question remains available and can be adjusted immediately. Of course, requests are only visible if workflows have been added to the files by the admin.

My Account requests

Campaigns: order complete packages in one go

Another excellent development: from now on, users can order a complete campaign package in one go. How does it work? If users want to order a (national) campaign, they can select one of the packages in the portal. Relevant packages are defined by HQ and, for example, be a store opening campaign or a seasonal campaign.
With a straightforward workflow, local users can order all the necessities for their campaign and plan the possible distributions. Think of print orders, door-to-door leaflets, and outdoor advertising.

campaigns packages

Templates: search function

We have a little timesaver for you! It was already possible to add images from your DAM to a template, but we made searching for the right picture even easier! We added a search bar to the template manager, which allows you to find the right image in seconds. Search by title or keyword and add the desired photo to your template.


... and much more!

  • Related content: the default sorting option is changed from ascending to descending to see the newest products in the category automatically. 
  • Import of branches: admins can now update their branches in bulk via the "import" button in the branch overview.
  • Messages: a dropdown list has been added to the editor so that users can change their font size.
  • Breadcrumbs: a history button has been added to go back to the page you came from. 
  • User rights: it is now possible to add user rights to your images to determine for which purposes images can be used. 
  • Delivery time: you can now choose the delivery time for your orders on a date of your choice.
  • Plus 33 other tweaks and fixes!


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