Marvia User Research Program
Help us to improve Marvia products
Where would we be without our customers? Exactly, nowhere. That's why we want to put your wishes and needs at the center of our products. Do you want to help with improving the user-friendliness and usability of our software and get a sneak-peak of what we are working on behind the scenes? Apply for our User Research Program!
How does it work?
If you apply to the User Research Program, you will be invited to different research. For every invitation, you can decide whether or not you want to participate at that time. A session can, for example, consist of a questionnaire, user test, or 1 on 1 interview. The number of researches will be between 4 and 8 times a year, and we will never ask for more than 15 minutes of your time.
- Unique chance to give your feedback on our software
- The first one to test new products and features
- A sneak peek at what we are working on behind the scenes